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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

#7 Feeding time

Since my last post, titled 'Junk', I've since gone back on my own words. Not that I'm really seeing RSS feeds as being bereft of time-wasting attributes, but, well... I kinda predicted what would happen without really applying it to me. Short of jumping in the widget deep-end, I've somehow managed to cram a whole bunch of side-line stuff into my blog. Starting off with the all-important 'bunny', I then slowly head on to the serious by way of The Onion, then end up somewhere more news-y. See, now, yeah... hmmmn. I should probably add that heavy metal librarian blog feed too. Maybe.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

#6 Junk

I think I'll have to concur with what 2-Toed Sloth had to say regarding RSS feeds, especially considering the way that you view them through Google Reader. To me, it seems like a bit of a silly excuse for having a second e-mail account for all your e-mail lists to get re-directed to, and then to have the added annoyance of having to be taken out of that portal to view the articles they're teasing you with. Though I can see how such things would be handy if funneled through a widget in a uniform portal - perhaps that's how this stuff is destined to be useful. I mean, well, if you can get all these handy, time-wasting things in the one place where you're meant to be being productive, I GUESS... hmmmn... actually, maybe it won't. Ah.

Ultimately, the time-wasting will win over, and any facade of productivity will crumble under the weight of all the solitaire successors. Yep, that's my prediction. Madness.

Though, as with 2-Toed Sloth, I do agree about The Onion... and maybe the Dewey Blog.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

A worthy site

Mostly blogs by librarians like myself who talk shop too much outside of work, but the list is long and I've only really scratched the surface.

Ah-huh... oh dear.

Friday, October 19, 2007

#5 What sandboxes have become since Peanuts was forgotten

See, now, this would take a lot of control for me to get used to. At first, I was fairly enthused about starting up a wiki - I had a dream to have an ongoing list of "Lies to tell library patrons". I suppose I still could, though I'd get possessive - I'd want to moderate every addition, and probably re-jig it to fit the style and feel of the site. Then, of course, I'd grow mad with power.

That's probably where my personality really comes to the foreground. For a wiki to work, you have to allow others to freely access and edit work that you may well have sweated blood over for, I dunno, ample exsanguinating time, and then some stuck-up little...


I'll stop myself here.

Sure, wikipedia have loads of restrictions, and as I pointed out a coupla posts back, they reject entries all the time. Good thing too, I guess. Where am I heading?

Oh, yes: wiki-fascist-state. That's it. Now, where's my Skrewdriver...

I was young once.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Thursday, October 4, 2007

#4 Man's Ongoing Crisis of Identity in the First Half of the 21st Century (or: Why we're all suffering together around a campfire)

It occurred to me in the last month that I'd been using a wiki for almost as long as I'd been using the internet. That's right - this. I was introduced to it when tracking down synopsiss(ss) for Cinemedia (see: ACMI) 9 years ago when on work experience there. One day, my job was to watch Night of the Hunter. Um, yes. Anywho, one of IMDB's immense strengths is it's ever increasing pool of contributors. If you're not sure when a film's gonna be released, and you've tried searching the woeful search engine of our local censors (which really doesn't tell you much in terms of an exact release date), there's a fair bet IMDB know. There are membership restrictions, but, well, not allot, really. But, seeing as I gave up on film-making in favour of writing, I wasn't really in a position to get that kind of information before any other chump. But nevertheless, wikis, like most things that get lumped with a web 2.0 label, have existed well before the buzzword bingo really kicked in.

My opinion on Wikipedia tends to change depending on what company I keep. When annoying acquaintances start loudly plugging it as the best thing since google, I really start to tense up. Crystal glasses start to chip in the next room - it's bad. But alot of the time, well... how the hell else am I going to find out the real names of all the members of Skepticism? Those guys don't talk to people much. Anonymity helps to maintain the dischord. That, and a whole wealth of people who don't like their music. I can't really decide - I'll just flip a coin and hope that it doesn't explode and kill the whole lot of us.

Seriously though, Zinewiki. Might create a wiki sooon. More news on that later.

But first, a shameless plug: hmmmn, yes... zine-y goodness. Wikipedia rejected an attempt another Sticky person and I made to generate an article on the store. Called it a 'shameless ad'. Or something. Damn moderators. Not as free 'n easy as you'd like, it seems. We probably should've omitted the word 'store. Sigh...

And now...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Anthropodermic bibliopegy

No, really.

But first, a bit of fun:

...that... was more complicated than it need have been. I wanted:


...but, I guess, I'll just need to hone up on my html. Also, I'm not sure if the GIF will play. Hmmmn. Just in case it doesn't, lookie here. Or here. GIFs have forfeited enough quality already, it'd be shameful for them to lose their powers of animation as well. It'd be like telling a satyr not to prance.

And of course...


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The end of humanity as we know it

Yet again, I'm confused by a lack of a blinking cursor. Maybe we're just meant to assume that there'll be a cursor there - pretty soon, you'll start typing in the kitchen bench, staring at your partner's forehead, and a whole garble of text will spill out of their receding hairline... thanks to an unseen cursor.

But really, my home computer is working again. For ages, I've had White Ninja as my homepage, realising all too soon that Men In Hats had long since ceased, though now, I think, another change is in store: Shelf Check. An incidentally queer web-comic about a cynical librarian in a public library. I rethought my approach to it when telling another queer librarian about it on this weekend previous, it occurring to me as I beamed at it's awesome out-ness that her sexuality isn't made a big point of per say - it's mainly just the 025 geekery. Truth be told, another good contender for homepage fun is this one... though I'm slightly ashamed to name it.

I feel I need a rug to cover up my bedroom PC now that I can actually use it again, though. It's been nice to have one less thing that I can do in my bedroom. Sort of liberating, I suppose.

You at the back - stop sniggering.

And, in conclusion, I've been able to master a somewhat resonant librarian glare... FINALLY! Someone on their phone, me staring at their back, their friends picking up my daggers and poking the person heaps... oh, it was fabulous.