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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

#6 Junk

I think I'll have to concur with what 2-Toed Sloth had to say regarding RSS feeds, especially considering the way that you view them through Google Reader. To me, it seems like a bit of a silly excuse for having a second e-mail account for all your e-mail lists to get re-directed to, and then to have the added annoyance of having to be taken out of that portal to view the articles they're teasing you with. Though I can see how such things would be handy if funneled through a widget in a uniform portal - perhaps that's how this stuff is destined to be useful. I mean, well, if you can get all these handy, time-wasting things in the one place where you're meant to be being productive, I GUESS... hmmmn... actually, maybe it won't. Ah.

Ultimately, the time-wasting will win over, and any facade of productivity will crumble under the weight of all the solitaire successors. Yep, that's my prediction. Madness.

Though, as with 2-Toed Sloth, I do agree about The Onion... and maybe the Dewey Blog.


The Learning 2.0 Program said...

You don't have to have a second email account to access google reader, mine works fine using my library email account.


Fitzcarraldo said...

I was more referring to setting up a specific portal for viewing RSS feeds exclusively - now that I've got the RSS feeds in my blog, it's much better.