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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

#18 Done, I think

I've actually found this program quite helpful, as my luddism has kept my investigation into new web tools at check for a while. Well, that and my lack of a decent net connection for the bulk of the last few years. Anywho, the added convenience I alluded to in the last post has helped reshape how easily I get around my daily/weekly web endeavours. And, as this has happened, I've noticed how much more up to speed so many of my friends, family, lovers, colleagues, etc, etc are than I am. My aversion to dissolving into the net - probably something to do with a fear of SHODAN - will probably still keep me back a few steps, but time management's a big issue in my life, so I'm not too worried about this impulse. In terms of the way I approach my profession, it's definitely intriguing and enlightening. I'm presently trying to imagine a juncture where web 2.0 technology and aspects of our zine collection can happily collide without dismissing the beautifully anarchic and tactile nature of zines (not e-zines, though... they have their place in that realm already and need no assistance in staying there).

Time will tell.

Goddamn I'm annoyed about that stupid widget clock.

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